• Investing in Lives of Great Promise

    Investing in Lives of Great Promise

    With planned giving you can provide long-lasting support for Berea College while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

  • Investing in Lives of Great Promise

    Investing in Lives of Great Promise

    With planned giving you can provide long-lasting support for Berea College while enjoying financial benefits for yourself.

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Sitwat '21

Sitwat '21

Raised in Kosovo and Sierra Leone, spending two years in Pakistan and then moving to Texas, Sitwat found her way to Berea College and has experienced an enriching academic and extracurricular environment. "This is a new part of the world that I haven't experienced yet, and I love getting the chance to do so," said Sitwat.

Majoring in political science and minoring in film production, Sitwat aspires to earn a graduate degree in international relations and work in the field of diplomacy and conflict resolution. Securing an internship at the United Nations was a high priority for Sitwat, and upon arrival at Berea College she visited the Office of Internships and Career Development. She was happy to learn that, thanks to the support of generous donors, Berea is able to underwrite expenses for two internships per student. Through much research and hard work, Sitwat secured an internship representing the Permanent mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations, where she engaged in representation and research-oriented work related to topics and stances being discussed at the High Level Political Forum as well as the general proceedings of the organization.

Sitwat praises Berea's Office of Internships and Career Development, sharing that she benefited greatly by the comprehensive support provided. Esther Livingston, Director of Internships, helped coordinate transportation and housing needs and kept in touch with Sitwat to ensure the internship was providing a safe and educational, hands-on learning opportunity. Sitwat shared that Livingston went above and beyond, working to secure Sitwat a loaner laptop when hers required repair. "This whole internship was because of Berea. I would not have been able to fund it otherwise," she said.

Sitwat's internship at the United Nations not only provided an immersive learning experience, it also provided a networking opportunity that will help Sitwat in her goal to attend graduate school. She also met her role model, Pakistani journalist and former Ambassador, Dr. Maleeha Lodhi, while she was working at the UN. Additionally, Sitwat was invited back to the UN to attend the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, where heads of state meet annually to discuss critical issues. Sitwat was able to accept this prestigious offer because of Berea College's support.

"I would not have had the opportunity to experience any of this if it wasn't for Berea. I'm so lucky that somebody invested in my life like that. It is a life- changing experience. It's very humbling," said Sitwat.

This life-changing experience has positively impacted Sitwat, who said, "I already know that I'm sending money to Berea so that somebody else can get the experiences I have had."
